Family Law handled with respect, support and sensitivity. Advice from Uma's extensive and specialised experience will set you on the right path for your future.

Uma Nadarajah LLB (Hons) England and Wales, Accredited Family Law Specialist Law Institute of Victoria, Collaborative Law Professional, provides a sensitive and practical approach to all Family and De Facto law matters to give you the best advice and representation, with an aim to minimise the financial and emotional impact on you and your children.

Best family lawyer Glen Waverley

Why appoint Uma?

• Personal and individualised support and representation
• Uma’s Personal Philosophy
• Direct and personal contact with clients – as you can speak directly with Uma, and your matters are handled by her. So there’s no double handling of information or the additional costs some larger law firms add to their clients fee
• Uma is culturally aware and sensitive to the nuances of upbringing and expectations. Uma has practiced law in Britain and Australia. She has counselled people from a variety of backgrounds and cultural heritage with a significant number from Singapore to Sri Lanka.
• Community minded – As a divorce lawyer, Uma has assisted with a variety of property and child related matters including relocations in Knox and it’s surrounding suburbs. As a contributor to society, Uma is actively involved in a number of organisations and events across the greater Melbourne area.

A collaborative and tailored approach

An Accredited Specialist legal practitioner should also be skilled in ‘Collaborative Law,’ an alternative form of dispute resolution taking into consideration both parties’ circumstances and needs. The aim is to finalise any legal aspects of their separation or divorce without attending court. Ask Uma about this approach today.

Why choose an Accredited Family Law Specialist?

If you are facing a Family Law matter, you need more than a generalist legal practitioner. You need a legal practitioner who is an ‘Accredited Specialist’, who can provide the most up to date, reliable and expert advice for your Family Law matter.. Currently, just 6% of Victorian legal practitioners are Accredited Specialists – make sure that yours is one of them by talking to Uma

Have your family law matters resolved with the best outcomes in mind

Once you’ve decided it’s time to see a lawyer for divorce and you find the relationship is beyond repair don’t allow yourself to be confused with well meaning but ill informed advice. To minimise the adverse impacts of such a breakdown, it is often wise to deal with the issues amicably and quickly. Factors applicable to the couple may involve children, maintenance, support, custody, property, lifestyle and/or finances. There are potentially a number of complexities to be addressed in a minefield of legal and material matters. Even if you’re not ready to “make the break” and on amicable terms parties need to be informed and prepared. Seeing a professional will not only help you move forward but may also alleviate some conflicts and issues which you may not be aware of.


Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage. Divorce proceedings only result in the obtaining of a divorce. They do not resolve property or parenting issues. 

Separation is when you stop living together as a married couple and is required for 12 months before you can apply for divorce


The welfare of children is paramount in Family Law proceedings. Where they will live and how will they be taken care of, and more. There is no automatic rule that children should live with either their mother or their father after separation, and sometimes parents can agree on a ‘parenting plans’ whilst others require Court Orders


The separation of property, finances and debts, superannuation, spousal maintenance and other incidentals all need agreement and we recommend formalising them through the courts either through Consent Orders, or Financial Agreements.


Spousal maintenance is a payment by one spouse to another, usually made weekly or monthly, to provide for the necessary financial needs of the former husband or wife, where they are unable to support themselves after separation. Spousal maintenance is quite different to child support, which is intended for the support of the children and is governed by the Child Support Agency.


The Family Law Act allows for De Facto relationships to claim similar rights to married couples for property, spousal maintenance and superannuation.


Same sex couples who are married have the same access as heterosexual couples to Family Law in relation to property and parenting issues.